UP Portal Click UP

UP Portal Click UP

Below is a selection of key documents from our training courses to get you started on clickUP. It is advisable to work through the documents and videos in sequence. Click on the links to access the documents for more detailed steps. All courses should be activated and populated. Please remember to make your course available to your students.

Click here for the ‘Getting Started’ link:

  1. How to get access
  2. Log into clickUP
  3. Navigating in clickUP
  4. Create a course menu
  5. Module Page
  6. Add Lecturer information
  7. Edit your clickUP Profile
  8. Make Your Course Available to Students
  9. Create content areas
  10. Upload your content:
  11. Add an external link

Add a document
Add media
Upload large files or videos via Google Drive

12. For more information go to the clickUP help and support site. 

Your Faculty’s Instructional Designers (IDs) will assist you should you need any help or support:

  • EMS: Donald Tive (donald.tive@up.ac.za)
  • Education: Jacky Maroga (jaqouline.rammupudu@up.ac.za)
  • EBIT: Alastair Smart (alastair.smart@up.ac.za)
  • Humanities: Gaby Pretorius (gaby.pretorius@up.ac.za)
  • LAW: Dennis Kriel (dennis.kriel@up.ac.za)
  • NAS: Mpho Thukane (mpho.thukane@up.ac.za)
  • Theology: Gretchen Jacobs (gretchen.jacobs@up.ac.za)
  • HEALTH: Dr Hannelie Untiedt (hannelie.untiedt@up.ac.za) & Nomathemba Ngcobo (nomathemba.ngcobo@up.ac.za) & Erika de Bruyn (erika.debruyn@up.ac.za)
  • VET: Velly Nkosi (velly.nkosi@up.ac.za)
The Department for Education Innovation (EI) also offers professional development courses and e-learning courses for lecturers.
  • E-learning courses: clickUP, Turnitin & QuestUP
  • Priority courses to enhance teaching, learning and assessment
  • Tutor training
The Instructional designers in the Department for Education Innovation developed online self-paced courses for contract lecturers, based on the face-to-face courses that are usually presented. These courses are also available to any other lecturer to learn how to use clickUP in a structured way. A Letter of Participation will be released for each of the courses on achieving a 50% result for a test that is available for each course. Enrol yourself into these courses by clicking on this one link: https://clickup.up.ac.za/webapps/blackboard/execute/enrollCourse?context=INMENU&course_id=_136877_1. When the page opens, click on the Submit button to gain access to it. On the new page that opens, scroll down and click OK.

Contact Detken Scheepers (detken.scheepers@up.ac.za) if you have any queries. Academic staff are new to online instruction or clickUP (Blackboard Learn), can also see go to this Bb Quick Start Guide. Students can go to the clickUP Self-help website if they do not know how to use the UP Portal, student emails, clickUP tools or Turnitin.

Lecturers’ Online clickUP Courses

You also have access to online courses to guide you in a more structured way to learn how to use clickUP. To access online courses:

  • Log into clickUP, then
  • Come back to this email, and enrol yourself into these courses by clicking on this one link: https://clickup.up.ac.za/webapps/blackboard/execute/enrollCourse?context=INMENU&course_id=_136877_1.
  • When the page opens, click on the Submit button.
  • On the new page that opens, scroll down and click OK.
  • Read through the Welcome and Start here pages before you start with the courses. Each link on the left is a separate course.

Other support available: clickUP Help site

The clickUP help site (http://eduvation.up.ac.za/staff) is organised according to different sections that are sequentially structured to guide you through the processes you will use. You can either work through a section in sequence or use the search bar to find information.

How do I get access to a clickUP course?

  • NAS Faculty: contact the assigned person in your department.
  • Other faculties: Request access by emailing the module code and your clickUP username in this format: abc123_s1_2015,u01234567  to e-support.up.ac.za or ask your Instructional Designer.

Technical support documentation

Bb Collaborate:

  • How to use a clickUP Group Set in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (Virtual Classroom)


  • Turnitin assignments
  • clickUP Assignments

clickUP Tests

  • Guidelines to use clickUP tests for semester tests or examinations
  • Roles, responsibilities and support with clickUP tests
  • General support with tests
  • Monitoring an exam while students write

Grade Center

Quick help

clickUP (Blackboard) UP Help Bb Help
– Request access to clickUP pdf
– How to log into clickUP pdf
– Navigating in clickUP pdf
– Create a course menu pdf Bb
– Create a content area pdf Bb
– Add and release content:
+ Plan your content
+ Prepare your content
+ Upload your content
– Bb Collaborate for virtual online classes UP Help
– In-video assessment pdf H5P
– Grade Center UP Help Bb
– How do I take attendance? Bb
Assignments UP Help
– Create assignments Bb
– Grade assignments: Inline grading & Rubrics UP Help Bb
– Turnitin assignments UP Help
– Video assessment pdf H5P
Tests UP Help
– Add a test pdf
– Set the correct test options to the test pdf
– Respondus Test UP Help
– Test and Survey Options UP Help Bb
– Video assessment pdf H5P
– Turnitin test/assignments pdf
– Specific settings to mitigate risks with tests UP Help Bb
Interact with students Bb
– Blackboard Collaborate UP Help
– Announcements pdf Bb
– Discussions Bb